Belmont Loop
Woodland, WA
Structural design and analysis of the building and its foundation to accommodate settlement and seismic forces produced by liquefaction of the supporting subgrade.
Chinook Sales & Service
Longview, WA
Structural analysis and design of the foundation substructure to accommodate a new metal building structure. Also design and detailing of a mezzanine and a steel entry structure.
Kuby Alluvian Artwork
Point Defiance, WA
Structural analysis and consulting for a public artwork project.
Cannon Beach Elementary School Gymnasium
Cannon Beach, OR
A due-diligence structural analysis and report of the building for gravity loads, wind, seismic and tsunami forces.
De Garde Brewing
Tillamook, OR
A due-diligence structural analysis of an old warehouse building in order to support a new brewery facility.
Borrello Hillsboro Artwork
Hillsboro, OR
Structural consulting and analysis for a public artwork project.
Logue Equine Barn
Gaston, OR
Structural consulting and analysis for an equine facility.
Duckridge Deck
Sherwood, OR
Structural analysis and consulting for a multi-tiered residential deck.
River Bridge Exhibits
Astoria, OR
Structural consulting and analysis for a public artwork project.
OMSI Coastal Discovery Center
Newport, OR
Structural consulting and analysis for a public artwork project.
LA Metro Garage
Los Angeles, CA
Research, structural analysis and forensic analysis of a post-tensioned concrete building which partially collapsed during construction
Mercy Corps Elementary Schools
Hargeisa, Somalia
Development of a Property Conditions Assessment guidebook for assessing the condition of the existing buildings at various school sites.
Mercy Corps Maternity Ward
Kaabong, Uganda
Development of Structural Repair plans, details and guidelines for a concrete maternity ward structure.